With over 3 decades as confectionery experts, we have been designing products that captivate our consumers at every moment.
If your career goal is focused on growth, challenging yourself every day, creating experiences, and exploring your creative and innovative thinking, send us your resume to participate in our job openings.
By being part of this team, you will join our purpose of bringing joyful, delicious, and memorable moments with powerful and innovative brands accessible to everyone.
We want to meet you!
Ivan Amortegui
“I feel a great deal of gratitude towards Aldor for the opportunity to work here and grow, as well as for the job stability”
Nelly Quintero
“I feel deeply proud to belong to a great company like Aldor because of the human quality of its people and the growth opportunities it provides for everyone”
Lorena Pérez
“I have seen Aldor grow, and I have grown with the company, which makes me very happy to be part of this team”
Juan Pablo Escobar
“At Aldor, I fulfilled my dream of designing and seeing my creations circulating around the world.”
Cielo Suárez
“I feel very proud to belong to Aldor because it is such a recognized company, with a trajectory of more than 30 years and international recognition”
Beatriz Molineros
“I love that we bring joy to every corner of the world with our products, and I feel proud of the people who work at Aldor.”
Pedro Pablo Diaz
“I have been with Aldor for 25 years, during which I have grown both professionally and personally. This is thanks to the opportunities that the company has provided me, such as being able to work in both the Colombia and South Africa plants.”
Yair Aguilar
“I am grateful to Aldor for welcoming me since I was 21 years old. It has been very satisfying to learn about confectionery, to grow, and to raise my children. Also, to train in technology and be close to pursuing my professional career.”